The Book Publishing Process
This is What We Do to Publish Your Book

Write Your Book
You write your book as a word document, single spaced, approximately 5,000 - 7,000 words = 300 pages
for a 6x9 Book
That is the most popular size for a book,
but we can make it bigger.
If you have a webinar or a talk you've given, a recorded audio of something you'd like included in your book - we can transcribe that and include it in the book.
Your entire book can be transcribed from audio or video.
Once we have the content, the editing, formatting, reviewing process begins until everyone is satisfied.
We order your book cover, spine, back cover from a graphic designer and/or from Fiverr - a great resource.

Making it Legal
You purchase your ISBN number from for about $150 and then you own your book and the barcode on the back.
The free option, however, is to use the free ISBN that Amazon provides, but then you can only sell your book on Amazon or Kindle.
The way around this is to purchase copies of your book (at a low price) and then place them in bookstores, and sell them at workshops, online via webinars, your website store, etc.
Either way, it works. It's just your choice.
Once we have the barcode, we can have the book cover made.
We also order the eBook version of your book, since most people like to have the option of reading your book as an eBook or as an actual tangible book - hard or soft cover.

Review & Plan
Once your book is uploaded and has gone through the review process and we have the book cover/spine/back cover, barcode = once all of that is done, we can order a "Proof" copy of the book to make sure it looks the way we want it to look.
If the book looks great - order author copies to your heart's content. Or don't have to order any books. Just wait for book launch.
We create a PDF and send it to friends who will quickly review the book and can be quoted on your landing page.
We plan the launch date.
You create graphics and strategies to market and promote your book from your Landing Page.
Set up and send out social media info.
Begin recording Book Promotion Videos and Interviews.
Push all of that out leading up to the Launch date of your book.

Launch Day
Everything is ready to go.
But you begin to feel tremendous anxiety, fear, worry, exposure, scrutiny, too many people knowing who you are, you feel EXPOSED.
This is normal.
The more interviews you do, the less exposed
you will feel.
The more you reveal and show your book, the better you will feel.
Your book is your legacy.
Enjoy your day. Enjoy your time promoting your book.
You will always be known as a published author!